Water Pitcher with Pears

 "Water Pitcher with Two Pears"

Betty Felenchak

Oil Paint over an Acrylic Background on 8" x 8" Ampersand Gessobord

To purchase any of my paintings, click below: 

Nail Art

Nail Art  (2018) and Nail Art II (2020)
I don't usually paint from the same photo a second time but I was interested in seeing any improvements.  I can see that my colors are more true to the photo.

 "Nail Art II"

Oil on 6 x 6 inch Ampersand Gessobord 

To purchase any of my paintings, click below: 

The photo from 2018

Heinz 57

"Heinz 57"

Oil on 6 x 6 " Ampersand Gessobord 

Betty R Felenchak 

What I like about painting the tomatoes and the ketchup bottle is painting the deep, deep red colors. 

To purchase any of my paintings, click below: 


Long Hiatus

 HI, Sorry that I have taken such a long hiatus.  We had some family issues come up and then we moved and I just got out of the habit of pos...